April 17, 2013
Prevent identity theft
September 18, 2009
As a business owner, you’re responsible for protecting your employee and customer data from theft. Here are some examples to get you started.
- Keep important documents in a safe or safety deposit box.
- Shred your statements before throwing them out.
- Don’t be careless with your mail.
- Keep social security numbers secure and only on a need to know basis.
- Don’t let employees take customer and employee data out of the office.
- Protect your digital files (i.e. encryption, passwords and physically).
- Learn how to encrypt your files and store them securely on optical media (DVD, CD), external hard drive, or online storage service.
- Properly dispose of unnecessary copies of sensitive data (i.e. shred paper, wipe and physically destroy hard drives, CDs, disks).
- Loose lips sink ships. Sometimes it’s best to zip your lip.
- “Social engineering” is one of the most efficient ways for scam artists to get info they should not have.
- Don’t send passwords via email.
- Teach your employees to treat data and security seriously.
Be aggressive, take it seriously and don’t delay. Do what you can to protect your data — no one else will.
What would you suggest?